Teaching Creativity Takes Patience I met with the principal and teachers at a local high school to discuss my ideas about applying social-media-based learning to project-based learning. In the… February 11, 2018 #avatarweek, #course, #icourses, #ivoice
Everyone Wants Recognition and No One Wants To Be Recognized Through the power of the Web, and because of the power of the Web, I force anonymity on my communications students. We use pseudonyms and… February 4, 2018 #avatarweek, #course, #icourses, #ivoice
A Newsletter for All Audiences There’s nothing like a conversation to get the year started off right. I’m optimistic about 2018 because of the amount of work I’m producing. The… January 7, 2018 #course, #icourses, #ivoice, #previewweek