Tag / #conversation
Innovation According to Star Wars
In my last post on the Star Wars universe, I advised disgruntled fans that creating an original piece of work would help them sympathize with authors better. I want to elaborate with…
May 4, 2020 -
A Remote Learning Lesson from My Great Aunt Doris
A few months ago, I found an old box of papers from my grandfather’s sister. A career stenographer for most of the 20th century, my mom’s Aunt Doris regular dashed off messages…
April 6, 2020 -
The One Skill Students Need to Learn
A recent promotional blog post on Medium from the startup Tagboard promises, “6 Ways to Increase Your Interactive Storytelling in Higher Education.” Not one of the six recommendations mentions education, classrooms, or…
June 2, 2019 -
An Open Letter to Jack
Dear Jack Dorsey, co-founder and CEO of Twitter, On March 1st, you outlined the challenges and anger facing your platform. We’re committing Twitter to help increase the collective health, openness, and civility…
July 15, 2018 -
You Write Your Voice
The Interactive Voice is the name of my first course and book. Choosing a title is always tough, but I’m confident now; I chose the right two words. Last week, I spoke…
May 20, 2018 -
Online, No One Knows Your Age
My grandmother used to say she never felt any older than eighteen. I’ve heard many variations on this sentiment, but only decades after I connected the thought with her. She died when…
April 15, 2018 -
The Name Tags are Necessary
I hear it from both students and clients these days. They dismiss social media as narcissism, self-absorption. Social media is a messenger. It’s a phone or envelope, except it’s faster, more efficient,…
December 10, 2017 -
A LinkedIn Profile is Not a Resume
I want to tell you about two conversations I had, one over coffee and one over lunch. When I lived in New Haven, Connecticut, I had regular meetings in the Westport Starbucks…
September 24, 2017