The Class Discussion
Below is our classroom, a mashup of technology, pedagogy, and the humanities. A Twitter timeline captures our avatars and conversations. A blogroll takes the attendance and assignments. Bookmark this page and class is just a click away, any time of the day, from any point in the world.
You can also search for the hashtag #506iv with various software apps for your desktop, tablet, and smartphone including Twitterrific, Hootsuite, and Tweetdeck. Utilize the #506iv hashtag yourself, and you can participate.
Whether you are a freelancer who can check in throughout the day or someone working two jobs and offline for much of the week, class is always here, a waiting audience and semester-long question: “Can you engage us with your words alone?”
This is the new classroom:
#506iv Feed
The #506iv hashtag creates a virtual classroom:
#connection #communication #interdisciplinary #edtech #interactivity #voice #writing #web #workshop #ivshop #process #algorithm #gameweek #beta25
This #listicle by The Conversation US takes its lead from Swedish academic Hans Rosling, doing his best to combat #misinformed global pessimism. In seven #infographics, we see child mortality, income inequality, and conflict rates continue to fall; life expectancies, income levels, and democracies continue to rise; while the population is stabilizing. Doesn’t sound like an #endgame. #interactivity #timeline #techlash #gamification #gameweek #mod1 #506iv

#step #process #algorithm #class #classification #conversation #community #communication #interdisciplinary #teaching #edtech #interactive #voice #writing #web #workshop #ivshop #previeweek #beta25 #startover
Come on in.
#conversation #connection #communication #interdisciplinary #diversity #classification #focus #teaching #edtech #interactivity #voice #writing #web #workshop #ivshop #process #algorithm #previeweek

#betayou #draftthinking #startover #beginagain #longview #newyear #newdraft #previeweek #interactive #voice #writing #web #workshop #ivshop #506iv
Class Roster
Latest Posts
- Bro Trip: We Went To Buffalo, And Didn’t Break A Table Johnny Brady: The Adventures of Driving Cross Country, August 24, 2018
- Submission Ideas The Worcester Sauce: Arts & Culture Beat, August 23, 2018
- Self Evaluation Austin Smith, August 22, 2018
- Long Form Article Submission Plan Austin Smith, August 22, 2018
- Submission Process Lynn Deming, August 21, 2018
- Self-Evaluation Movie Pillars, August 20, 2018
- Self Evaluation Lynn Deming, August 20, 2018
- Self Evaluation - Fran Ford Coco-Cola Films & Fare, August 20, 2018
- Long Form Article Submission Plan Films & Fare, August 20, 2018
- Submission Plan Josiah James' Journal, August 20, 2018
- Submission plan to National Geographic Travel Mabel Mabry, August 20, 2018
- Submission Plan Jaeistalking, August 19, 2018
- Self Evaluation Mabel Mabry, August 19, 2018
- Publishing Plan The Wellness Ginger, August 19, 2018
- Submission Plan: The Sunday New York Times Travel Section Johnny Brady: The Adventures of Driving Cross Country, August 19, 2018
- Self-Evaluation Josiah James' Journal, August 19, 2018
- Publishing Plan includes Twitter Twist Dotty Stripes, August 19, 2018
- Self Evaluation Jaeistalking, August 19, 2018
- Reflection The Wellness Ginger, August 18, 2018
- Why Are Movies Showing So Much in Trailers in 2018? Movie Pillars, August 17, 2018
- Am I Wise Enough To Know The Sound Of My Own Voice: A Self Reflection The Worcester Sauce: Arts & Culture Beat, August 16, 2018
- Devils Advocate Enhancements Baking for Beginners, August 16, 2018
- Publication Plan Baking for Beginners, August 15, 2018
- Self Evaluation: Never Done #Drafting Dotty Stripes, August 14, 2018
Class Blogroll
- Austin Smith
- Baking for Beginners
- Brown Girl Book Club
- Dotty Stripes
- Films & Fare
- Jaeistalking
- Johnny Brady: The Adventures of Driving Cross Country
- Josiah James' Journal
- Lynn Deming
- m.elizabeth
- Mabel Mabry
- Movie Pillars
- Orca Journeys
- The Interactive Voice
- The Travel Lane
- The Wellness Ginger
- The Worcester Sauce: Arts & Culture Beat