The Course Schedule
Below is our calendar. Module assignments are given a full week ahead of module lectures and class discussion. For example, assignments during #previewweek are handed in before, but for #tweetweek. The #tweetweek lecture starts a week of readings, feedback, and conversation around these assignments.
We write experimental, improvisational first drafts, discuss and critique them, and then rewrite.
The assignments are standard writing forms. They become examples of your ability and style as well as opportunities to explore how forms have or have not changed online. This unique class process takes some acclimation, but it is essential in a course about the dynamic Web and individual voice.
The only test is whether your creative choices and messages connect successfully with the class.
The writing decisions are yours. You are in control.
The Seven-Week Course
Getting Started | #previewweek
Welcome Reading
- Welcome & Links
Module 1 Assignments
- Pick a Pseudonym
- Create a Blog & Twitter
- Post a Sample
- Register on Course Blog
Module 1: Interactivity | #gameweek
Module 1 Readings
- Intro Lecture & Links
- Purchase Zinsser & read Chapters 1-7
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 2 Assignments
- Write a Biosketch
- Defend Your Subject
- Tweet 5+ #taglines
- Critique Your Classmates
Voice Assignments
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 2: Words | #tweetweek
Module 2 Readings
- Twitter Lecture & Links
- Read Zinsser Chapters 8-10, 14
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 3 Assignments
- Post Your Resume
- Tweet 5+ #bylines
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- Write Your About Page
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 3: Authors | #avatarweek
Module 3 Readings
- Avatar Lecture & Links
- Read Zinsser Chapters 11-13, 15
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 4 Assignments
- Be the Devil’s Advocate
- Tweet 5+ #results
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- Write Your Web Presence
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 4: Ideas | #linkweek
Module 4 Readings
- Hyperlink Lecture & Links
- Read Zinsser Chapters 16-19
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 5 Assignments
- Write a Set of Instructions
- Tweet 5+ #theses
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- Write an Audience Persona
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module Five: Logic | #algorithmweek
Module 5 Readings
- Algorithm Lecture
- Read Zinsser Chapters 20, 21 & 23
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 6 Assignments
- Write a Wikipedia Article
- Tweet 5+ #questions
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- Write a Wireframe
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 6: Knowledge | #wikiweek
Module 6 Readings
- Wiki Lecture & Links
- Finish Zinsser Chapters 22, 24 & 25
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 7 Assignments
- Post Self-Evaluation
- Submit a Full Length Article & Publishing Plan
- Tweet Classmate #ghosts
- Critique Your Group
- Converse w/ Class
Module 7: Editing | #blogweek
Module 7 Readings
- Blogging Lecture & Links
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
*Seven-week sessions end here. Fourteen-week sessions continue below with assignments for module 8, #pitchweek.
The Fourteen-Week Course
Module 8 Assignments
- Tweet Many Idea #pitches
- Make 2 Elevator Speeches
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 8: Audience | #pitchweek
Module 8 Readings
- Search Lecture & Links
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 9 Assignments
- Write an Executive Summary
- Tweet 5+ #steps
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 9: Proposals | #fundweek
Module 9 Readings
- Crowdfunding Lecture & Links
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 10 Assignments
- Write a Presentation
- Tweet 5+ #asks
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 10: Presentations | #showweek
Module 10 Readings
- Slideshow Lecture & Links
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 11 Assignments
- Design an Infographic
- Tweet 5+ @Replies
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 11: Images | #picweek
Module 11 Readings
- Infographic Lecture & Links
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 12 Assignments
- Write a Script
- Tweet 5+ #images
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 12: Media | #clipweek
Module 12 Readings
- Script Lecture & Links
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 13 Assignments
- Analyze a Campaign
- Write a Press Release
- Tweet 5+ #clips
- Critique Your Group
Voice Assignments
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 13: Social Media | #shareweek
Module 13 Readings
- Share Lecture & Links
- Refer to Strunk, White & Kalman on questions of grammar & style
Module 14 Assignments
- Post Final Evaluation
- Tweet Class #favorites
- Write Course Reflections & Evaluations
Voice Assignments
- 1 Additional Blog Post
- Converse w/ Class
Module 14: The End | #
Module 14 Readings
- Imperfection Lecture & Links