The Course Syllabus
QU ICM 506 Writing For Interactive Media
Course Description
The Interactive Voice focuses on writing and the Web, from the basic mechanics of good communication to the latest online media innovations.
Writing is the original interactive communication form, and vital in the online environment. Words underpin every aspect of the Web, from search and navigation to links and code. Fundamental writing skills also establish credibility, develop critical thinking, and ground the individual’s voice and ideas in an increasingly fragmented landscape.
As institutions like newspapers, publishers, and Hollywood become more dynamic and the Internet places more responsibility on authors of all types, a solid grasp of the written word becomes essential.
As a #506iv student, you will explore different mediums and forms from tweets and algorithms to wikis and scripts. Readings will expose you to different communication theories from Aristotle’s ancient ideas on rhetoric to Jaron Lanier’s latest critiques of the Web.
Of course, you will write. You will pick an area of interest and practice the different writing forms through your exploration of your subject matter. Your goal in this course is to conceive and execute a strong and unique interactive voice.
- Advance your ability to communicate plainly and persuasively.
- Become familiar with differences and uses of various writing forms.
- Concentrate on writing forms utilized in interactive and social media.
- Further your understanding of variables within the changing media landscape.
- Establish a clear and distinctive Web presence.
See the course schedule.
Each week, you access an online learning module that includes readings, links, and assignments. Then we create a virtual online discussion using blog posts, comments, tweets under the hashtag #506iv, and other forms of social media, to explore each module further. I divide you into groups to critique one another’s work.
I split assignments into two parts:
- Deadline assignments include weekly longform blog posts, shortform microblog (Twitter) posts, and critiques you must complete by the following week.
- Voice assignments include additional blog and microblog posts that rewrite deadline assignments, create class discussion, and let you build your audience and develop your voice further.
You can find details on the grading of these two assignment types below.
The fourteen-week course is split in half. Seven-week sessions cover the first half:
- The voice half concentrates on writing technique. You practice writing with a number of online forms, develop a unique Web presence or “online voice,” and work towards publishing a single online article at the midterm.
- The venture half concentrates on practical writing applications. You pitch and develop an idea through different written forms of proposal and presentation, make your voice more interactive with your audience, and work towards writing a single press release for a unique online campaign at the final.
I search your personal Web presences at the beginning of the semester, and your pseudonyms at the conclusion. By course end, you should demonstrate a consistent, easily-found presence and a greater understanding of writing and voice on the Web.
The course has become something of a startup. Instead of the business and economics of ideas, the modules discuss the language of developing and executing ideas online. I invite you to use the course to contemplate your final ICM capstones as potential startups.
Towards this end, the course blog has its own Web presence, complete with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds that expand and evolve with class. You can find previous examples of students’ successful use of the course on the alumni page.
- On Writing Well by William Zinsser
- The Illustrated Elements of Style by Strunk, White & Kalman
- The Yahoo! Style Guide edited by Chris Barr
- On Writing by Stephen King
- Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury
Deadline assignments are worth half (50%) of your grade for each module. I give these first draft assignments a collective points value and evaluate on three writing criteria: technique, creativity, and effort. Deadline assignments posted Monday are due by 11:59 p.m. the following Sunday. For every day your assignment is late, you will lose ten percent of your grade. Deadlines are important.
Voice assignments are worth the other half (50%) of your module grade. These assignments are second drafts of the deadline assignments or first drafts of your own design. You will get another collective points grade based on your progress on these assignments each week. Voice assignments evaluate your ability to write and interact with class without deadlines.
For example, the deadline assignment for one week might include a longform essay posted to your blog, a shortform assignment on Twitter, and critiques of your assigned classmates assignments. You will accomplish these assignments first.
The voice assignments for the same week might include a rewrite of a previous assignment, an additional blog post, and interacting with the class discussion on Twitter. You will make progress on these assignments each week.
Your final grade is based on the total points available from all the deadline and voice assignments. I will update grades regularly on Blackboard.
You cannot treat this course like an assignment checklist. You must participate regularly and improvise through your writing and voice. You are responsible for following and interacting with the hashtag #506iv on Twitter.
All assignments should seek the grade A standards of the following rubric:
Technique | Creativity | Effort | ||||
Student shows mastery of American English and Web publishing with each long and short form post. Assignments are strong in grammar and style. Theses or narratives are clear. Work is proofread, error free, and easy to navigate.
Student reaches for a distinct voice with a specific audience. Posts build toward unique theses that generate further conversation. Writing shows focus, logic, and imagination. Ideas leverage online environment. Attention to detail is evident.
Student pushes self to grow with each module. Deadline assignments are posted on time. Voice assignments display weekly improvement. Critiques and class participation show interest. Self-discipline and effort are noticeable.
Student demonstrates knowledge of basic writing rules. Work has minor grammar or style issues or concepts need rewriting. Work needs proofreading for minor writing or functionality errors.
Student writes about a standard subject for a known audience. Posts show focus, logic, and imagination even if ideas are mainstream. Interactivity is lacking. Minor details need attention.
Student completes each module. Assignments are occasionally late or rushed. Assignments missing minor elements. Critiques and participation are only what is required. Effort is for the grade.
Student needs writing improvement. Work has major issues of grammar and style that overwhelm proofreading or functionality details.
Student must work on larger issues of focus, logic, and imagination before ideas can produce interactivity or an audience.
Student has trouble completing modules and making deadlines. Assignments, critiques, and/or participation are missing.
Student’s writing appears poorly executed or below average.
Student’s thought process appears idle or below average.
Student’s effort appears deficient or below average.
Student shows no writing.
Student shows no work.
Student shows no effort.
On Critique & Plagiarism
Critiques are important. You should provide classmates with constructive criticism and suggestions. The more good feedback you give, the more you acquire, and the faster your work improves.
“I really liked your post” is not good or constructive criticism.
“This was a great sentence because…” and “You lost me in the second paragraph when…” are good, specific, constructive criticisms.
Give each student at least one positive observation and one suggestion for improvement in each critique. Imagine what the student wants to accomplish and help them communicate with you better.
I don’t tolerate plagiarism. It’s easy to identify in a class about writing on the Web. Assignments found to contain the work of others without citation will be assigned a grade of zero with no possibility of recovery. Multiple incidents will result in class expulsion and appearance before an academic board. Quinnipiac’s formal policy on academic integrity is available below.
Read the University Policy on Academic Integrity
Read the University Policy on Disabilities